Home School Connections
Weekly Family Message - 9/14/2024
Hello Harbor View School Families,
We completed our first full week of the school year and are off to an amazing start! This week we spent time building our classroom community and setting up routines that will help us succeed throughout the year. Everyone shared a little about themselves, which helped us find common interests and start forming friendships.
This upcoming week we will continue to create positive classroom environment and begin checking in with our students on their academic levels. We will review key concepts to to see where each student is at and come up with the best plan to support their learning.
We also discussed our goals for the year and how we can support each other in achieving them. Overall, it's been a productive and exciting start, and we can't wait to see what the rest of the school year holds!
Here are this week’s updates:
- Curriculum Update: We had a successful curriculum night on Thursday, September 12th. During this zoom meetings our teachers discussed our school day, policies, routines and grade level expectations for student achievement. A copy of the google slide can be found here.
- Let’s Move! 2024 Kick off:
- Students received their Let’s Move! Bracelets and pledge packets on Thursday, September 12th. We have a little competition going, the first class to have 100% registration will receive a “Munchkin donut” party! If you haven’t registered your child, please do so TODAY! Registration is 100% free; just register and share your page with families and friends to help us raise money for the children to go on amazing field experiences this year! Visit our webpage for more details: LetsMove -
- PTA / Title 1 PAC September Meeting with SLT elections! - Thursday, September 19th at 6:30pm on ZOOM! ZOOM ID: 94709361013 MEETING CODE: 031059
- Topics:
- School Leadership Team (SLT) Expediated Elections - 2 parent seats, nominations will be taken from the floor.
- PTA Budget for School Year 2024-2025
- Launch of NEW School Store!
- Let’s Move! 2024 - Annual fundraiser that supports all field experiences and in-school enrichment programs!
- Call for Volunteers! Many opportunities both in-school and from home! Sign up here for committees. (PS 59 PTA VOLUNTEER FORM)
- Topics:
- SLT & SLT Elections:
- Our first SLT Meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, September 18th at 2:30pm in Room 117.
- SLT Elections will be on Thursday, September 19th at 6:30pm via zoom!
- What is SLT? The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a group of stakeholders consisting of the Principal, PTA President, Title 1 PAC Chairperson, United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Chapter Leader, three parents, and three staff (2 UFT and 1 DC37), who develop educational policies for their school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies. The SLT:
- provides ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement
- plays an important role in school-based decision-making
- helps to make school cultures more collaborative
- INTERESTED IN JOINING THE SLT? As an SLT member, you will:
- develop and review the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), including annual goals and objectives
- consult with the principal in developing school-based budget and staffing plans aligned with the CEP
- assist in the evaluation and assessment of the school’s educational programs and their effect on student achievement
- The SLT meets on the third Wednesday of every month during the school year from 2:30-5:30pm. Reimbursement for 30 hours of service is $300. The SLT position is a two-year commitment. There are two parent positions open. An expediated elections will be held at the September PTA / Title 1 PAC General Meeting on September 19th. Please contact the PTA at pta@theharborviewschool.org, if you are a parent interested in lending your leadership to the SLT!
- After-school Partnerships:
- Goodhue begins on Monday, September 16th
- All three programs still have seats available for students in Grades K - 5, if you need assistance in obtaining a seat, please reach out to Ms. Kristen.
- Reminder: School Hours are 8:00am - 2:20pm.
- Arrival: Doors open at 7:45am for Kindergarten through 5th grade and 7:55am for 3k & 4k.
- Dismissal doors open at 2:15pm and close at 2:20pm. Any student that is not picked up by 2:20pm will be escorted to our late room. Parents picking up after regular dismal times must enter the main lobby and sign your child out of our school building. We are only able to release students to adults 18 years and over with proper identification (we can not release to siblings who are under-age). We understand that emergencies do happen, if you are unable to pick your child up by 2:20pm, please contact the main office asap. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
- Playground: The work inside our playground has been completed and our students began using it this week.
- Emergency Readiness Drills: We had our first evacuation drill on Friday, September 13th at 9am. The students practiced and were ready; it was a success. We will hold another evacuation drill this Friday, September 20th.
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Wednesday, September 18, 2:30pm: SLT Meeting in Room 117
- Thursday, September 19, 6:30 pm: PTA & Title 1 PAC Meeting, SLT Expediated Elections on ZOOM!
- Thursday, September 26, 8:30 am: Coffee & Conversations - Title 1 Annual Parent Meeting in Room 117
- Thursday, September 26: School Spirit Day for students and staff (every student will receive a Harbor View School Shirt)
We hope everyone has a great weekend!
Grade Directory
School Calendar
Room 122
Coffee & Conversations - Title 1 PAC Annual Meeting
Coffee & Conversations: Title 1 PAC Annual Meeting, What does is mean to be a school-wide program 9/26
PS 59 (31R059) - The Harbor View School -
School Spirt Day!
PS 59 (31R059) - The Harbor View School -
MSSI - Day of Humanity
PS 59 (31R059) - The Harbor View School -
Rosh Hashanah, schools closed
PS 59 (31R059) - The Harbor View School -
Italian Heritage/Indigenous Peoples' Day, schools closed
PS 59 (31R059) - The Harbor View School
NYCID After-Care
NYCID: Serving grades 4K to 5th. Registration for 2024-2025 in NOW Open!
The After Care program will begin on the 1st full day of school and will follow a school calendar operating from 2:20PM-6:00PM (closing promptly at 6:00pm).
*New Monthly After-Care Fees
Kinder to 5th Grade: 1st Child $275 2nd Child $225 3rd Child $200
Pre-K - Monthly After-Care Fees for $325 ($75 Discount if sibling enrolled in K-5 After Care)
Registration: If you already have access to the NYCID Parent Portal please log in and click the “Enroll” tab. If you are new to NYCID’s Online Registration system, go to www.nycid.org click What We Do then select Youth Development and then After School and Summer Programs- scroll down to forms and resources and click New Parent Registration. Fill out form. After you submit your registration, please log into the Parent Portal. Our (Free) NYCID Advantage After School Program funding has ended. If you are in need of After Care for the upcoming school year, you may be eligible for a Voucher that would pay for the program at no cost to you. In order to see if you are eligible you must apply ASAP. It can take up to 4 weeks to receive your voucher so you must act quickly to begin After Care in the Fall. The application is online only. The steps to apply are below or you can come to the school on July 29th or July 30th from 10am- 1pm to get assistance with the online application.
- Please copy and paste the below link into your browser: http://mycity.nyc.gov/
- Click on Check eligibility and apply for child care assistance under Child care, then click on Apply now under Apply for child Care.
- Select Child Care Voucher under New Child Care Voucher, then create an account, Once an account is created you can start the process to see if you are eligible for a voucher.
Goodhue After Care
Goodhue: Serving grades Kindergarten to 5th, LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE - Registration is now. Call 718-447-2630 or email avindigni@childrensaid.nyc.org
Field Experiences!
Field experiences are an important part of our curriculum and your child’s education. The experiences are used to enhance the units of study. We will plan many experiences for the calendar year. Some experiences are planned well in advance and other trips have a shorter information turn around period.
- Our Field Experiences are a mandatory part of our curriculum.
- Family chaperones will be selected by lottery for each experience. Please complete this form ( https://forms.gle/XkgodfiBZ1V9Sqe68 ) to be entered into the lottery.
- Our school requests a traveling NYC DOE school nurse to attend every experience, but unfortunately, they cannot always accommodate our requests. If your child has a 504 please see the main office for further information on our policy for when a school nurse cannot attend.
- Regardless of the type of experience, it is not permissible for students to meet at or be dismissed from a site other than the school..
- Please see our Family Handbook for more details regarding field experience expectations and chaperone requirements.
Health, Safety & Wellness Corner
Here are a few updates, resources and reminders now that the warmer weather is here!
- Schoolyard: For the safety of our students and families please refrain from driving into the school yard during arrival and dismissal times. Also, we currently have the ferry side of the building walkway closed as the house next door is having repairs.
- Clothing: What to wear? Now that the warmer weather is here, we recommend that students come to school dressed in layers. Some of our classrooms are colder than others, then once the students go outside it becomes much warmer. To help them regulate their body temperature during the day we suggest always having a sweatshirt or light sweater available. In addition, many students like to run around outside during recess, please keep this in mind and have your child wear comfortable closed toes show to prevent them from falling or scrapping their toes.
- School Bus Lane and crosswalks: please refrain from parking in front of the school building or in crosswalks during arrival and dismissal. When cars are stopped or parked in these locations it creates a safety hazard for our students as they are trying to arrive and leave from our school building.
- Lice: The presence of head lice in institutions such as schools is an uncomfortable fact of life. Together we can help ensure these occurrences do not become a greater problem. We encourage families to notify the main office if they detect head lice in their child's hair. When a student is found to have lice, notes are sent home to members of the child's class.
- What are head lice?
- Head lice are small insects with six legs usually the size of a sesame seed (the seeds on burger buns).
- They live on or very close to the scalp and don’t wander far down the hair shafts for very long.
- They can only live on human beings; you can’t catch them from animals.
- Nits are not the same thing as lice. Lice are the insects which move around the head. Nits are egg cases laid by lice, stuck on to hair shafts; they are smaller than a pin head and are pearly white.
- If you have nits it doesn’t always mean that you have head lice. When you have got rid of all the lice, the nits will stay stuck to the hair until it grows out.
- You only have head lice if you can find a living, moving louse (not a nit) on the scalp.
- Anybody can get head lice.
- Head lice infections are caught from close family and friends in the home and community, not from the school.
- Spread of head lice requires direct head to head contact. They can’t swim, fly, hop or jump.
- Here are a few tips to help prevent the spread of head lice:
- Check your child's hair on a regular basis.
- Because head lice need close head-to-head contact to spread from one person to another, to reduce the spread of head lice, teachers will discourage students from activities which may involve head to head contact.
- To reduce your child’s risk of getting head lice, make sure that long hair is tied up and discourage children from sharing their brushes and combs and having head to head contact with others.
- Remember - Anyone can get head lice – they have no preferences for cleanliness, hair color, hair type, ethnicity or age.
- Here are some resources to learn more about lice and treatments:
- What are head lice?